gastritis gallbladder

Liver function is the creation of bile

The digestion and metabolism of fats play an important role for the bile that is produced in the liver, and gallbladder is used only to store and concentrate bile, and if necessary, is excreted in the initial part of the small intestine (duodenum), where the absorption of fat occurs or gallstones.

Bile is a complex mixture (solution) of water and it dissolved inorganic and organic substances. Inorganic part consists of electrolytes: Na, K, Cl and HCO 3 in a concentration similar to that in blood plasma.
The organic part of the gall bladder include:

       bile salts
       bile pigments (conjugated bilirubin)
       phospholipids (lecithin).

The bile also contains small amounts of enzymes such as alkaline phosphatase (AP) and transaminases as well as small amounts of protein especially albumin. The bowel bag, bile is concentrated 40-10 times compared to the so-called primary bile that is produced in liver cells, so the concentration of bile salts and cholesterol in the bowel bag increases about ten times. The creation of bile in the liver cells and its secretion into bile capillaries run continuously and over 24 h to create 800-1000 ml of primary bile.

Extracted bile collects in the gallbladder and concentrates (secondary bile), and hence at times emptied into the small intestine (discontinued) only when it requires digestion, mainly of fatty substances.